My AZT Thru Hike Day 2 : Lasagna Saves the Day

Arizona Trail (AZT), Backpacking

AZT NOBO Miles 9-20

Date:March 14, 2020
Trail:AZT (Arizona Trail)
Miles that day:11.5
Total Trail Miles:20.0

The morning of day 2 on the AZT was cold. Not close to the type of morning you always wish for when camping. You know the kind – chilly at first but warms when the sun covers camp. Nope, it stayed cold.

I couldn’t warm my hands. But that couldn’t stop me. Breaking camp was a necessity and we were to start hiking again soon.

I made a quick packet of instant oatmeal hoping that would warm me up. Yet when it came time to eat it, I couldn’t choke it down. I guess the altitude and new way of life convinced my stomach to not eat. At least I had a cup of crappy instant coffee to warm my morning.

The description of my morning makes it seem like I was having a miserable time on trail. I wasn’t. Sure, I was a bit nervous, this was my first thru-hike but the fresh air and trees lift my spirits every time!

I stuffed all my gear in my pack, most likely incorrectly but I didn’t seem to care since I actually got it all in my 65 liter bag (way too big for this type of expedition) and started walking.

The trail was beautiful! Trees everywhere! I had been hiking in the desert for the last 4 months and sure did miss the tree canopy!

We walk that day through rolling forest mountains. Crossed paths with curious deer and ice on the trail. Jan and I put our microspikes on to help grip the iciest spots. They sure do make walking much easier, faster and dryer. Worth the weight to carry them.

Most of the day I have no appetite, which is odd for me, yet I force some cold soaked cous cous down at lunch. I didn’t eat breakfast and have would quickly lost energy if I continued to not eat. I also snacked on dried fruit and nuts throughout the day.

We made it just past the mile 19 gate to camp in a pretty cleared spot under trees and just up from the river. 10.5 miles hiked that day. We were starting to gain mileage as we adapt to life on the trail.

That night I enjoyed a warm meal of lasagna. Most of the day I was tired and a bit nervous to walk on slippery ice so the lasagna was a joy and comfort!

It was cold again but not as bad as the evening before. This night was spent at 5600 feet. Much lower than the 8500 feet from the previous night near Bathtub Springs.

I tossed all night adjusting to sleeping in a tiny tent in my new mummy bag on a lightweight mattress. But it was warm and surprisingly comfortable.

We end the day 20 miles into the AZT!

Below is my video about Day 2 and the spectacular vista views to the south.

Arizona Trail Thru Hike Day 2

More about the AZT:

Thanks for stopping by!

~Allie aka Anselina

Last modified: November 5, 2023

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