Thru Hike of Arizona Trail Ends Abruptly : Dreams Cut Short for Woman Hiker

Arizona Trail (AZT), Backpacking

woman hiker AZT

AZT NOBO Miles 46-76

March 2020

Little did I know my first thru-hike would end at just 76 miles. 724 miles short of my goal.

I psyched myself up for the 800 mile journey on the Arizona Trail that would take about 2 months through mountains, freezing temps, deserts, the Grand Canyon and long mesa plateaus. I might have seen black bear, elk, wild horses, saguaro cactus and even the infamous Gila Monster!

As an avid woman hiker I’ve seen my fair share of trails yet that was day hiking. Taking on a trail for months with 30 plus pounds on your back at 48 years old, is a whole other beast to take on.

We never made it to the end.

Dreams Shattered for Woman Hiker

The first few miles of the AZT, aka the Arizona Trail, are tough.

VIEW ALSO : My YouTube Series on the AZT

Hiking Northbound or “NOBO” my hiking partners and I climbed from the border of Mexico at 5908 feet to Miller Peak Junction at 9090 feet in a few short hours. Suffering from acrophobia, my nerves were tested as we gain elevation at each turn of the switchbacks up the side of the mountain.

Making it to the top was not only an accomplishment in endurance and strength for me but for my psyche as well.

We spent the night near an AZT landmark called Bathtub Springs and for the first time froze my butt off overnight. The next day wasn’t anymore pleasant.

As we wound our way through Miller Peak Wilderness icy snow had gathered making walking the trail a bit treturous with shear falls to my right side. Luckily, I did think to bring my new microspikes, which then made walking on ice a breeze!

The next few days got better and better. I learned to sleep in very cold weather, in pitch black evenings and in dirty clothes and feet. The smell from my body didn’t improve but I was accustomed to it by day 3. And as I walked each day my body adjusted to the soreness, actually developing a nice gait I could walk for 9-10 hours a day with.

I was truly enjoying the ups and downs of trail life. I could do this at 48 years old!

Death of the Arizona Trail Thru Hike Dream

Then it happened.


I remember the day vividly.

We cruised into Kentucky Camp just 76 miles into our AZT journey. The camp host, Steve, greeted us warmly yet as we spoke he began to mention news of this new Coronavirus pandemic. Things were looking bleak outside our trail bubble.

We did hear of some news of the pandemic just 2 days previous in the town of Patagonia, AZ, it was our first stop for resupply of our food and energy levels since we stayed in a motel. Yet at the time there was no urgency to leave the trail.

As we spoke with Steve and checked our own phones for news we realized this virus was taking hold of the world – literally halting life.

COVID-19 was no joke and places, literal towns, were shutting down.

Decision Made, We’re Ending Our Arizona Trail Thru Hike

After some hard contemplation, we decided to get off trail.

This was a tough decision since, for us at least, the trail is probably the safest place to be – isolated from people. Yet we would enter towns and cities as we made our way North, potentially spreading the disease and/or catching it ourselves. At the time (mid-March 2020) there was still little known about the virus so the best course of action is to go home to family, and stay there.

To make matters worse, my 2 hiking partners, Jan and David came long distances for this momentous trek. Jan hailed from Wyoming. And David, well, we lives in Australia, leaving the United States meant crushing dreams and goals.

Me, Jan and Dave

For this woman hiker, well, I live in Arizona, coming back to where we jumped off was easier for me, sans my partners of course. I didn’t want to leave the trail yet I needed to be near family during this uncertain time.

Steve, the camp host, graciously gave the 3 of us a ride to Tucson, AZ where Jan and I got rides home and David found his way back to Australia.

Final Days on the AZT Video

The video below is our last couple of days on the AZT.

Arizona Trail Thru-Hike : the Final Days


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Last modified: November 5, 2023

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