My RV was Surrounded in Yellowstone National Park

Day Hiking, National Park Visits

rv nomad goes to yellowstone national park

Hi! I’m Allie and I sold everything in 2020 to live solo in my RV full time. Traveling the United States, I camp mostly in public lands for free as I hike, bike and seek out quiet spots in nature.

July 18, 2022 Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park Day 2 : Bison and Waterfalls

Be sure to read about my first day at Yellowstone National Park here.

After my visit yesterday to Yellowstone’s Geysers I was super excited about going back for another round of beauty and inspiration.

Traffic Jam Yellowstone Style

What Yellowstone NP trip is not complete without a bison sighting? If you’ve been to Yellowstone I hope you’ve had the pleasure of seeing these American icons.

As I drove into this beautiful green valley I noticed a line of vehicles stopped up ahead. I couldn’t make out why but I had my suspicions it was bison. There was a herd far off in the distance and I was hoping there were more up ahead.

My suspicions were correct, there was a herd of bison. The herd stopped traffic for at least 30 minutes to strut their stuff down the road. Mamas, babies, daddies and all the rest were bottlenecked between a hill and where they wanted to graze right where I had to stop my RV. It was glorious!

I never realized how gigantic Bison really are. They aren’t just your ordinary grazing cows. Bulls are on average 2000 lbs! And 11 feet long! That’s the size of a small vehicle.

It was such a treat to you have them so close. I could hear their grunts and see their eyes checking you out as they calmly walked. You bet I was staying in the vehicle, did I mention they are huge!

Quick PSA : the National Park Service asks us to stay away at least 25 yards from bison. I couldn’t do that in my RV but I definitely stayed inside. For more safety information watching the animals of Yellowstone NPS click the here.

For videos and more pics check out my Instagram post here.

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

After the bison experience I didn’t think anything could top my day in Yellowstone. But it was like Yellowstone said “But wait, there’s more!

The Grand freaking Canyon of Yellowstone AND waterfalls!! (To emphasize how excited I was, read that out loud yelling loudly.)

I parked the RV at Artist Point. That tells you so much – with a name like that you know you’re going to see some amazing views!

I ate breakfast (eggs and toast per usual) and headed out for the hike on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.

This is a very popular hike and I know why, with every step there is an amazing view! So, yes, there were lots of people but that’s ok with me because – GRIZZLIES live here.

The hike out and back is not too far at about 3.5 miles but it did prove to be tiring. The rise and fall in elevation worked every muscle in my lower body. It felt great!

There are view points along the trail that don’t disappoint with sights of Lower Falls and Upper Falls, both magnificent and powerful!

This concludes my Yellowstone trip with geysers, bison and waterfalls! To me, the 3 things that made my trip complete. Ok, maybe a grizzly or wolf sighting from afar, way afar.

Being Your Best You

I never expected to see Yellowstone National Park. It was either too far or too dangerous (grizzlies) or too expensive. But I made it! And sure glad I did.

What is something you never thought you’d do but did it and then proud of yourself for your accomplishment?

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Last modified: February 13, 2024

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